Time is an endless sea wherein a paper boat in the waves
can still make a child laugh before it sinks...
Time is an endless corridor where I wander, blindfolded,
guided towards the light by the sound of your voice,
Time is an endless wait through a night of sleeplessness,
Time is the plaintive sound of unspoken words, creaking along endless nights within a haunted forest,
Time is a rain drenched meadow on a primeval hillside,
on a windy day whispering of kings and men,
or a sandy walk along a shallow seashore,
amidst the noisy splashing of strangers.
Time is a bunch of unruly wildflowers,
nurtured by a cloudy green hillside,
or a prayer flag in the wind
Time is a dull afternoon spent in somnolent silence,
or in wordless ecstasy on a crowded train ride.
Time is a half remembered moment on a dim winter evening.
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